桌遊愛樂事「花見小路 Hanamikoji」繪師 Maisherly Chan受邀參與Analog Games 專訪,是什麼樣的魔力,讓隱藏在絢麗背後的這位女孩,熱中於揮灑創作靈感,投身桌遊美術設計?她,還有著什麼與眾不同的精彩故事?讓我們一同來了解吧!
The beginning of my artwork for games was from the end of 2014. I met Wei-Min during a game night. He is one of the founders of EmperorS4 Games. Wei-Min was interested in my artwork. Then, he invited me to do some artwork for their board games (Hanamikoji is one of the games). I agreed, because that is an interesting part time job, isn’t it?